• Somatic Healing

  • Full-body Orgasmic Bliss

  • Nourishing Relationships

  • A Joyful Life

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Pleasure & Intimacy Discovery Call:

text: 07733396636

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  • 15 minute discovery call FREE

  • 6 x 90 minute Zoom Coaching calls plus WhatsApp support £2222 adv. or £380 per session

  • 12 x 90 minute Zoom Coaching calls plus WhatsApp Support £4444

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By working with me on your goals, (we start by establishing what exactly your goal is) you'll gain self-confidence and feel more connected and aligned to your true self. We use ancient techniques like visualization and breathing exercises to release energy blocks, helping you shift from overthinking to embodying your desires with a clearer focus.

If you are ready to uplevel, give yourself the support you’ve been craving, I’ll teach you how to Truly Fall In Love with who you are, and by doing so find the Love you’ve always longed for in another.


We are putting together a series of magical in-person and on-line experiences to better share the wonder of being in your body with you…watch this space or join my mailing list, please email:


Welcome to Your Pleasure Journey…

Discover the depths of your pleasure,

Unleash your inner desires fearlessly,

Embrace the magic within you…

I am Emm-Ahh

Your Pleasure and Intimacy Coach and Healer.

In Our Culture there is often a lot of Shame which surrounds the feeling of pure physical pleasure, especially for women… have you noticed, especially intimate physical pleasure?

It’s hard to get out of One’s head and into the Body…many of us were brought up not being allowed to revel in the physical pleasure of simply being in our bodies, we’ve been taught to be in our heads all the time…no wonder it can be hard to enjoy intimacy with another if you find it elusive the rest of the time.

People seek shortlived thrills with substances and by watching dramas unfolding on the screen, how well do they know how to explore the range of their own embodied pleasure? This pleasure is your birthright and when you understand your nervous system and explore some of the blocks which have been keeping you in your head and out of your amazing body, you will feel thrilled by life and courageously empowered to step out of your self-imposed comfort zone and into the life of your dreams.

You can manifest whatever you truly desire, when you expand beyond your perceived limitations!

Learn how to play the game so you can work out how to break the rules…It takes confidence, practise and support.

  • Would You Like to feel more Pleasure both intimately and all of the time?

  • Did you know that the largest s£xual organ in the body is the brain?

  • Did you know that we all have different sexual accelerators and that feeling safety is the number one condition for allowing the turn on to even exist at all…?

As a Pleasure and Intimacy Coach I am committed to supporting others on their journey to reclaim the embodied pleasure that is their birthright. It is my dharma to do so and I know that the more people I can Turn On to Themselves, in this peaceful and loving way, the more peaceful and loving the World will be!

It All Starts with finding out what You Desire…

My Story

I can laugh and enjoy myself being Me these days, but it wasn’t always fun… Like many others, anxiety has been a long-term companion. I am a Highly Sensitive Person and was very self-conscious with low self-esteem when I was younger, inspite of appearances otherwise. I was very good at acting ‘fine’ but my nervous system told another story. Tumors started growing in the nerves of my right leg at age 12, at 17 I had a nervous breakdown, at 19, I was diagnosed with depression.

From age 11 at boarding school I battled bronchitis and chest infections, relying on antibiotics until 2007 when I turned to homeopathy. This holistic approach helped not just my physical health but also my mental and emotional well-being. I also saw several psychotherapists for periods of time but the overwhelm never seemed to completely go away, I would have times when I felt great but then I would feel like I was drowning in my negative thoughts again.  I felt hopeless and alone a lot of the time.

Years went by and eventually a psychologist recognised that I, like many people in the current system, had been overwhelmed by my upbringing, the memory of which was playing havok with my nerves, and I was diagnosed with PTSD in 2018. I was so relieved to have a diagnosis because now I could start to understand the ADHD-like symptoms I had which left me feeling down on myself for most of my life.


Me and Colin 2023


Relationships have always been a fascination for me: Why do we crave them? Why do they go stale? How do I find the best balance for me, where there’s enough space for ME in the relationship, when my partner or even partners and I are equally invested in it and the pleasure and intimacy between us keeps getting better and better …?

I now know that the key to having a great relationship with another, is to have a great relationship with yourself!

Dive Into Yourself With Me

If any of this sounds interesting or familiar, perhaps you’d like to look into working with me as your coach as I have overcome enormous psychological blocks on the journey of becoming who I Am, and am well-equipped to support You on your Journey into Yourself. I have been a complementary therapist specialising in massage, reflexology and reiki since 2001 so you are in safe hands.

The Tantric Approach

I am so excited to share that through learning Taoist and Tantric Approaches to the Mind, Body and Spirit, as well as the lastest neuroscience related to trauma, I have been able to clear most of my mental baggage as well as the physical symptoms I suffered with. Now I can embrace all the aspects of myself, even those which had been there in the shadows, and by using my S£xual Life Force Energy, I have discovered that I am able to disengage myself from the ‘mainstream’ of public opinion, come into the Pleasure of Being who I AM and float downstream, feeling blissfully supported by Life as I tune into my desires and feel full of gratitude for this wonderful life!

And I do this for the good of all beings…for it’s not selfish to be full of yourself, in fact the more empowered you feel, the more courageous you will feel to do good in the World.

I Can Share This Wisdom With You 

Are you prepared to make an investment in yourself? It takes both time, energy (your funds and your focus are required here) and desire for transformation to occur… you will go on a journey of deep exploration into your own psychic cupboards, to uncover what is blocking You from your own Pleasure. This journey is not for the fainthearted and it can be uncomfortable, but it is an investment you will never regret making…you will know if you are ready if it feels exciting to read my words and it feels like you are ready to explore your own edges…you can’t loose by booking a discovery call and seeing where you go from there…I look forward to serving you and seeing you flourish, mind, body and spirit in pleasure, with much love,  Emm-Ahh x